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The Life Of Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson is one of the most fascinating figures in sports and culture. The boxer has achieved tremendous highs, and has suffered tremendous lows, as an athlete in the spotlight. Learn more about Mike Tyson below.


Michael Gerald Tyson was born on June 30, 1966. Mike got into trouble early in life. Growing up in Brooklyn, New York he was exposed to street gangs at a young age. Tyson would eventually be sent to a reform school. While in reform school, Tyson’s boxing potential was discovered.

young mike tyson


Tyson’s talent would attract the attention of renowned trainer, Cus D’Amato. Cus saw something in Tyson that nobody else saw at the time. He was able to create a style of boxing for Tyson that perfectly fit his skill set. Tyson was relatively short as a heavyweight. He almost always had a size disadvantage in his matches. But D’Amato taught Tyson how to take advantage of his speed and aggressiveness.

On November 22, 1986, Mike Tyson became the youngest heavyweight champion in history.

mike tyson Cus D’Amato

Iron Mike

Tyson was feared as a fighter. He was so explosive that he would end bouts quickly and his knockouts were always thrilling. Tyson was on the top of the sports world, until things started to spiral downward.

When Cus D’Amato died things appeared to become more difficult for Tyson. He lost a father figure and a guiding light. Tyson would have troubled relationships that would go public and get into serious issues legally. Issues that would have him serving prison time.

His career as a boxer also suffered after the loss of D’Amato. He would lose his championship in a huge upset to James Buster Douglas. Tyson was at an all-time low spiritually and professionally when the 1990s would begin.


Tyson would be released from prison in 1995. He started fighting almost immediately. He would pick up a few quick wins before matching up against two-time heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield. Tyson lost for only the second time of his career to Holyfield in the bout. The fight was so well received by the sporting world that a rematch was almost instantly scheduled.

In 1997, the rematch between Holyfield and Tyson was highly anticipated. Millions tuned in to see the epic duel. The fight would go down as possibly the most controversial moment of Tyson’s entire life. Tyson would be disqualified from the fight for biting Holyfield on the ear… twice. To this day, Holyfield’s ear is scarred from Tyson’s shocking actions.

Tyson would lose his boxing license as punishment for his actions in the Holyfield match.

mike tyson Evander Holyfield

Change Of Character

Tyson would have his final win as a boxer in 2003. He wasn’t the same fighter who dominated the sport in the 1980s. His personal problems continued, and Tyson eventually had to file for bankruptcy. Tyson’s career as a boxer was behind him, but his problems were continuing.

The boxer would take his notoriety and fame and use it for other mediums. A documentary on his life was made, and Tyson would perform a one man stage show. He would appear in the blockbuster, The Hangover, where he would make fun of his persona.

mike tyson Hangover

Time has changed the way the public views Tyson. He is far less intimidating today than he was as a fighter. Some of his past legal troubles have also been questioned in recent years. The idea of trauma and mental illness are looked at differently today then they were in Tyson’s heyday.

Tyson had a difficult life. From his upbringing to the stress of being a professional fighter, but he has improved his standing in culture recently. Most importantly, it seems that Mike Tyson has been able to find peace and stability. Things that were sadly missing in his younger years.


- Adam C. Better