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The Story Of Harry Potter

The Harry Potter books and movies have had a profound impact on generations of children. British author J.K. Rowling created the famous character.

He first appeared in her book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. This book was also published as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in 1997. Learn more about the beloved franchise below.


Rowling wrote seven incredibly popular novels from 1997-2007 that focused on the coming of age adventures of Harry Potter. The series of books would of course be adapted into 8 successful films that would release from 2001 to 2011.


The books and films were obsessed over by people, young and old, across the globe. The popularity was so strong that it inspired millions to start reading.

Before Rowling’s series came out, reading was on the decline. Rowling’s stories were layered with not just massive spectacle, but also heartfelt looks at tragedy and grief. Books for young adults, called 'YA Novels,' became more common. They were quickly made into film franchises after being published.

A collection of Harry Potter book spines in a row.


Harry Potter is an orphan who is taken in by his aunt, uncle, and their son. On his 11th birthday, Harry discovers that his parents were a witch and a wizard. Harry discovers he is also a wizard, and that he has been invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. Voldemort, an evil wizard, murdered Harry’s parents, and he has vowed to kill young Potter as well.

The battle between Voldemort and Harry would drive much of the film and book series. Other notable characters include Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore and Draco Malfoy.

A young boy with glasses sitting at a table in a dining hall.


The franchise would make billions at the worldwide box office. It made stars out of the young cast, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. The Potter films came out long before the MCU. The MCU has taken ideas from the "Wizarding World" for its superhero series.


Collage of Harry Potter movie posters.


The Harry Potter series has been around for decades now. It has inspired spinoffs in film and a new TV series is on the way. There is a theme park land and a play that de-buted in 2016. The Harry Potter franchise is one of the most successful in popular cul-ture history.


- Adam C. Better

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