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adidas Hoop Clinic Dominguez High School

We partnered with adidas to host a hoop clinic for the students at Manuel Dominguez High School in Compton, CA. Thanks to everyone who showed up to provide an all-around amazing experience!⁠


adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school student picture
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school kids warming up
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school shirts given out
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school shirt table
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school kids line up for shirts
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school kids huddle together
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school coach demonstrating a drill
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school coach talking
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school kid poses for camera
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school kid dribbling a basketball
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school 2 kids get ready for a picture
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school sp employee laughing
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school kids practice dribbling
adidas hoop clinic dominguez high school kids pose with basketballs

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